Investing in development that does not create lasting behavioural change wastes time and valuable budget. 

So what is the common problem?  Most often, the development process misses the fundamental element of creating lasting change… the understanding that our behaviours are driven by our internal stories and these must be recognised and challenged to achieve sustained change and success.

Getting to the root cause

Over my years of experience working with organisations, I have learnt that even a logical and well planned approach to talent development is not enough to deliver results.

What is often missing in the design of the solution is the understanding and desire to accept that behaviours are actually driven by our beliefs, values and stories we tell our self. Critically, sometimes these stories conflict with how we hope to change and develop – so unless the development work looks at these stories and recognises and challenges them, behavioural change is doomed!

Get stories on the table

As a development specialist, I have to be willing to help clients get this stuff up on the table … if I don’t, it can often prevent lasting change, encouraging the ‘reverting to type’ we hear so much about. The challenge is that many of us are not always aware of these stories or assumptions, they can often be hidden and not at the front of our mind.  So working with a skilled professional to help you look ‘under the rug’ can be vital.

If the answer is yes to the questions above, or you are uncertain that your development is getting real and lasting results, here’s an alternative approach for designing more effective development interventions.

Alternative approach for creating lasting behavioural change
  • Work together (specialist and client) to understand current behaviours being demonstrated
  • Uncover what ‘stories’ and assumptions these current behaviours support/reinforce
  • Look at concerns and fears of changing the story, assumptions and behaviours
  • Develop alternative approaches – e.g. stories and then behaviours which might be more effective
  • Create opportunities for practice, observation and receiving quality feedback
  • Repeat the last step as often as needed

When we shift stories, we shift behaviours!

If we get the real issues up on the table – then we have a greater chance of creating really impactful, lasting change in individuals and organisations.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. 

If you would like to chat about this more, and consider how this approach might be able to help you personally, your organisation or your development design work, please do get in touch.

Contact us:
Call: 07881 915657

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